First Survey of 2013 Shows Increased Optimism Amongst Small and Mid-sized Stock Market Companies

The latest quarterly survey undertaken by the Quoted Company Alliance (QCA) identifies that confidence amongst small and mid-sized companies listed on the UK Stock Markets has improved, however there still remains some concerns about access to funding. The report also highlighted a lack of knowledge about alternative funding sources such as corporate bonds.

Companies’ optimism about their own prospects has increased substantially, in the last quarter. In addition, company’s confidence in the UK economy is at its highest level since the survey began 18 months ago.

72% of small and mid-cap quoted companies are optimistic about their own business prospects this is up from 63% in October 2012.

Over half of the companies surveyed expect the number of their full-time employees to increase over the next 12 months, the highest level seen on the index. Confidence about business growth expectations have also improved, with the mean expected turnover growth now at 11.2%, up from 7.9% in the last quarter.

However the survey uncovers a widespread lack of knowledge about corporate bonds as a potential alternative source of funding. More than one fifth (22%) of listed small and mid-sized businesses did not know what the main benefit of issuing corporate bonds was, and nearly two thirds (62%) either would not be interested or could not specify if they would be interested in issuing a corporate bond as an alternative source of finance.

Similarly, a quarter (23%) of advisors admit they do not know whether they would recommend issuing a corporate bond to clients as an alternative source of funding and only 16% of advisors believe that there is sufficient information available for companies to evaluate the market effectively for corporate bonds. Half of advisors (49%) were not aware of the London Stock Exchange’s electronic Order Book for retail bonds.

John Holland Senior Partner at Flotation experts Holland Bendelow says, ‘The increase in optimism in smaller quoted companies measured over the last quarter is encouraging, particularly as it is smaller and medium sized companies that have taken the full force of the double dip recession’. ‘Whist stock markets such as AIM have generally continued to enable companies to raise funding at a time when banks have not, clearly there is more that need to be done to ensure the smaller quoted companies are able to access the funding they need to grow and employ more people.’

John Holland was the former head of the UK regional operation at the London Stock Exchange, with responsibility for both AIM and The Main Market. He has been advising companies since 1995 about stock market flotation and is a regular author of company finance and stock market publications and articles in business and financial press as well as various institutions on the internet.

Save Energy With The Modern Techniques Of Energy Savers

In these days of economic crisis, the ways and means of saving the various forms of energy plays an important part in every human life. Everywhere there are posters saying ‘Save Electricity’, ‘Save Water’ or save something or the other. But the question is whether or not people are taking any step to do so. With the latest technology and professional help of energy consultants everyone will be able to save energy and contribute to the world.

The first benefit that an energy auditor will bring about in the commercial and domestic surroundings with their energy audits is to energy auditors. This can be done by checking the utility bills with the reading system to rectify the fault and by studying the other sources of energy. The latest electronic home appliances with the star power savers play an important part in reducing the power consumption and by using these improved appliances for various utility purposes around the residential area.

Many times it is noticed that the electric bill does not match the units used. With the clever energy assessment techniques and kits it would be easy for any energy auditor to repair and fix the problem. This is an important aspect to be considered in the huge industrial houses where the power consumption is very high. In such cases, the company or house should hire a professional energy auditor, either as in-house technical help or on contract basis through any reputed energy consultant/ energy management services. While hiring any professionals it is important to check their credentials.

The energy consulting services must be considered when apartments or residential buildings have to be appraised by a professional energy auditor, with an intention to improve the ambiance and save energy. The most opportune time to conduct energy audit/ commercial energy audit would be when the construction is in progress or when some renovation work is being carried on. This would be an economical step.

If all the new constructions are built with an intention to lower the use of energy and at the same time be concerned of the well being of the family living in the house. Such a residence could be considered as energy efficient home. The aim here should be home energy saving and contribute to the environment. The study of energy budget and methods must be cost effective, so that everyone is able to implement them. The most important point here is to be cautious and to curb the loss of energy.

For more details see page

Canada’s Multiculturalism Fails It Citizens And Should Be Abolished!

I am not a student of history but this is a bit of what I know. Canada was established via The Constitution Act, 1867, formerly the British North America Act, 1867. In July 1988, Canada enacted the Canadian Multiculturalism Act. At its core, the Act purports to preserve and enhance multiculturalism in Canada. The Act’s foreword also includes blurbs on protection and recognition of its citizens in conjunction with the Official Languages Act, Citizenship Act, and Canadian Human Rights Act.

Why did it take over 120 years for Canada to recognize and entrench notions of equality and freedoms? Is it because governments prior to 1988 didn’t believe in such values? Could it be that Canada’s own citizens didn’t believe in these values? On its face, it appears that the spirit of the Act is worth celebrating. But what does having an official Multiculturalism policy really achieve? The answer is that there are numerous reasons to consider why Canada’s biggest failing to date is ‘Multiculturalism’.

Canada’s political and bureaucratic failings in its Immigration policies are numerous. From its continued indifference towards the Aboriginals, to the Chinese Exclusion Act of the 1900s, to the Internment of Canadian-born Japanese during World War II, to the shameful rejection of the Komagata Maru, Canada’s political participation in anti-immigrant injustices is well documented. Some might suggest that this is history but this is precisely the point. As someone wisely noted, “Those who do not know their history, will be condemned to repeat it”.

The Multiculturalism Act continues to be an exercise in political pandering. It was enacted in response to a ratings game played by the G7 players where, once enacted, Canada could stake its claim as one of the few members who had an official multiculturalism policy. Good for international trade and good for global gamesmanship. The Act was also created to placate its citizens. We shouldn’t be surprised. Do Canadians really need unaccountable and pious policitians spending millions of tax dollars to convince the converted that Canada is unique because we have an official policy of tolerance and equality?

The Act has become a de facto weapon. An instrument wielded and abused by those who seek more than what it represents to offer. While many new Canadians swear the citizenship oath, many of these same new immigrants just as quickly dismiss their obligations by often hiding behind the Act to condemn and reject Canadian values of tolerance and inclusion by citing religious or other injustice. And Canadians just look the other way.
Unlike the Act, Citizenship is an obligation that every Canadian is required to uphold. Unfortunately, many choose to tarnish it by legitimizing their own selfish agendas under the guise of racism or discrimination to achieve their devious ends. And Canadians stand idly by to let this happen – we are, afterall, nice people.

Muliticulturalism does not have to be protected for it is understood, we are all different and we all should live harmoniously. Mulitculturalism should not be enhanced, not if it continues to divide and create ideological and literal ghettos.

Recently, a former Ontario Member of Parliament, Ruby Dhalla, attempted to circumvent the Canadian pension system just to get votes. In short, Dhalla, an East Indian (Indo Canadian), representing a riding of primarily East Indians, wanted to shorten the eligibility waiting period. The result would be vast numbers of recently arrived immigrants from India who are mainly aged, would receive pension almost immediately upon arrival instead of waiting, and contributing to the pension plans, as every working Canadian expects to. It was calculated that this could cost Canada tens of millions of dollars! If Dhalla even remotely attempted this in the U.S., she would suffer more than just the rebukes of even her own party members (there is no NRA in Canada). In Richmond, B.C., a shopping mall was ordered by the city to install signs that included English instead of solely Chinese script in the off chance an English-only speaking patron happened by.

Until a right-minded, forward-thinking, and selfless politician steps forward to pass legislation that requires new Canadians to attain a high proficiency level of English, or French; that requires new Canadians to assimilate into society by adhering to Judeo-Christian curriculum requirements without challenge to the Act(s); that requires new Canadians to truly respect the actual Laws of Canada without challenge to the Act(s), and that reminds new Canadians that citizenship is not an entitlement but must always be earned, then and only then, will Multiculturalism have a place of real value in Canadian legislation. Until this is achieved, abolish it.

It is shameful how new Canadians – a politically correct term for Immigrants, have made a patchwork of communities where little English or French is spoken and where education is conducted solely in their own tongue. Because many have consciously chosen to turn their backs on Canadian language, history, and culture, should there be a great surprise when a backlash of ill-will and stereotyping aimed at some new Canadians but interpreted as unprovoked institutional or societal discrimination or racism, occurs? When you point the finger at someone or something, how many fingers point back?

No, I am not a student of history. I am Canadian by birth, drink Tim Horton’s coffee, and love hockey. I am the proud grandson of a Chinese immigrant who emigrated to Canada in the early days of Canada’s birth; who worked as a tailor during the Gold Rush and who then became a farmer and raised a wonderful family. He paid his taxes, including the Head Tax, and never complained. He worked every day of his life for the betterment of himself and his family, often for mere pennies per day, and never complained. He EARNED his right to be a Canadian and many, including new Canadians as well as grandstanding politicians, need to heed this lesson.